Sunday, February 28, 2010

breathe deep sleep well

drive home.

I've been having some incredibly vivid dreams. In one I was in Croatia again-- but I was very frustrated the whole time with the travelers I was with. In another my sister got tattoos all up her arms.. from her knuckles to her shoulders. I had a dream that my hair would change colors every time I blinked. A friend and I were talking about dreams today and he mentioned how dreams are always so much better than reality, but I don't think I agree. I never really feel in control in dreams-- things are usually swirling around me, the choices I make are constrained, or they're very instinctual. I am often put in the observer position. Reality is the opposite. I am in control. I'm not sure what I'm really driving at here.. I also often wake up with a sense of panic after dreams. I don't know why. Sometimes I don't even remember the dream I just jolt awake and shoot up, out of breath, but not sure why. I wonder what I'm so scared of.

I drove home today and the sun was setting just perfectly. And I saw a cloud of birds. There was grey everywhere and the trees were all dead and everything was miserable but there were a few moments of perfection. I saw some good friends I hadn't seen in awhile, I had a great dinner with my roommates, I had nice radio show ... forget dreams. I like my life.

Friday, February 12, 2010


(the river behind the View, in College Park)

Snow is beautiful. Or so I've been told.

I have strange longings, these days-- maybe because of being trapped indoors for so long. To drink espresso on cobblestone streets, cold seawater, hot sand, to hang a painting on a wall, to wear something floaty, to drink wine outside at night, to go to Spain and fall in love.