Tuesday, March 23, 2010

coming together and falling apart

Self-Portrait with Ring

Sigh. I'm in my sustainable roof class, which is normally pretty fascinating but this lecturer is killing me slowly with his dull voice.. I should get more sleep. I crashed in my last class too, and jerked awake suddenly, slamming my hand on the desk and scaring the shit out of the rest of the class. I've been having trouble sleeping lately. It's strange, because usually I am a pro-sleeper. Some of it is because my phone is dead and I am paranoid about oversleeping so I wake up every few hours, and some of it is just that I can't get to sleep no matter how exhausted I am. Which is maddening. Oh and I think I twisted my ankle? Or at least did something to my left foot in general.. it hurts bad enough for me to limp openly and I must have some kind of silly grimace on my face dealing with the pain. No smiles from strangers for me today.

It may sound like I'm in a dreary mood, and although it IS dreary outside, I'm in a fairly great mood! I might print a nice little edition of 25 test prints today.. time to use up that bluey grey paint that I mixed weeks ago and haven't been able to get rid off since my tree print. My university holds something called Art Attack every spring, where they bring in some big name bands and have a mini festival.. I think I'm going to get a table and sell some prints. It's only $50 and I'm sure some kids will want to throw around some cash for a couple 5x5's... I love having projects! They make me feel so purposeful!!!

Oh yeah and my trip to Montreal was incredible.. everything I needed. It was great to bring Jay, who has never really traveled like that before. I would write about everything that ensued.. another time, perhaps.

Oh my poor computer! Its fan is going crazy after a few minutes. Perhaps I should take it back to the apple store? The last time I did, because the poor thing was slowing down like crazy... was hilarious to say the least. Allow me to describe my laptop for those of you who don't know. I have one of those white macbooks, and it's now a bit of a grey color. There was some paint on it at the time. And pen ink. There's a large blemish on the bottom left screen from some water damage. The inside of the computer looks like hell from a separate water incident (which I fixed by simply replacing the keyboard!). There are about six screws missing from the side of the computer.. and the ones that do have screws aren't necessarily the ones that were originally supposed to be there (this is also from the Great Keyboard Replacement of 2008). The screen has fingerprints. There are chunks of plastic missing from it, especially the bottom edge of the keyboard where my arms rub against it whilst typing.. so some of the chunks are taped back on--others are superglued. The power button had been sunken into the keyboard, whereas normally it's flush. It's also crooked, spun around to about a 45 degree angle somehow. The poor Apple technician looked at my machine, probably about to burst into tears at this sacrilege.

"Hey," I said cheerfully. "My computer isn't working, and I have no idea why!" He glared at me. Long story short, he fixed the computer, replaced the hard drive (for FREE, thank you thank you).. when he gave it back he glared at me again and said: "next time.. don't glue your computer together. It makes things really difficult."

Want to watch one of the coolest things I've ever seen? It's a really incredibly done stop motion film/mural art video... these guys dedicated a good chunk of their time and brilliant energy to this. It loops twice so it's not quite as long as you think it is.
