Thursday, March 31, 2011

One and Two (and a third)

Hello there, award winning print! ("One and Two")

And this is a little print I did today for fun. It's also a peek into a new fabric piece I'm working on.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

holla at your girl.

"One and Two" is up at the Herman Merill Gallery in College Park, as of today. This is a super fast "show"-- which I say in quotations because it's really just a competition. Everything went up today, tomorrow is judging day, and it comes down Friday. So you have Wednesday and Thursday to see it.

And everyone cross your fingers... first place means the quickest $1000 I've ever made in my life.

Friday, March 18, 2011


This is my house on the first really warm day of the spring. Isn't it pretty? Note the giant jenga game that is about to begin.

So we decided to put up a hammock. How many people does it take to put up a hammock? Four. And a computer so we could google how to put up a hammock.

My roommates judging how slack it should be. Also, one of the most hilarious pictures of my roommates in the world.


The end.

Friday, March 11, 2011

WPG Print of the Day

Wooo! The print i just sold, is Washington Printmakers Gallery Print of the Day!

And apparently they wrote a nice little paragraph about me:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mountain Alive

Sorry about the hiatus; I've been lazy about keeping up with things.

Anyhow, the image above is a sneak peek of two prints I completed last night but don't have any good photos for. They still need to be cut down and signed as well, but WHEN THEY ARE, you guys well get some nice new images.

I sold my print "Rough" at the Washington Printmakers Gallery for more money than I make walking thirty dogs and am incredulous. I told my professor who said, "Do you believe that you're an artist now?" Whatever, professor. Trying to seem all professory-y and mentor-y.

I've got a critique today- wish me luck!!