Saturday, October 2, 2010

catch and release.

I was recently honored to have been invited to the Catch and Release Print Symposium down at Corcoran for some serious printmaking with some serious printmakers. Printmaking professors from four of the top DC and Maryland printmaking universities brought 5 of their best students each to rock out in collaboration to create dozens of truly beautiful pieces of free for all art. Eight hours of straight printmaking each day.

I learned how to use a letterpress and I am in love! I think I will build one-- although I really do need to finish building my screenprinting one. Here's an example of one of the first letter prints I did; note my special ink splattering on the letters!

I have to say though-- after working so long with no text in my work it was pretty difficult to think of anything to print on the work up in the letterpress studio. The student working with me asked: Well what do you want to say! And I could think of absolutely nothing. Sometimes I swear I can only communicate in pictures. So I ended up printing a few choice words instead.. good. monster.

Anyhow-- we created some really brilliant work which is going into the fabulous Corcoran Gallery tomorrow with a reception next week-- details to follow.. but it'll be next week I think.

In other art news-- I was recently featured in a small show at the artDC gallery in Hyattsville and walked out selling five pieces-- and met some fantastic fellow artists and got some great feedback from the clever crowd that showed up!

And studio news... I'm also in the middle of a new edition that will be done this week. I've laid out all the foundation so all I've gotta do is work out the linework for the frontal section and slam that in which will be done in the next couple days. It began as a prawn like figure with shadows coming out.. clearly it's turned into something a bit more design based.

And real life news... I am working my tail off and I am taking a laughably low credit course load. My roommates and I played a game last night where we threw stuff at each other all over the house and if you didn't catch it, you were a nerd. The logic in this game was that nerds can't catch. Infalliable logic.

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