Thursday, April 1, 2010

midnight crazy

What a messy desk!

But look at these fun-sized prints!

Also, I got serrano chili pepper in my eye........WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEW don't try it. I took a salsa making break between mylars. and then rubbed my eye? Can I not be creative AND common sense at the same time? Is that too much to ask?

I would put up a picture of the mylars I'm working on but I won't because I'm already sick of staring at them.

Also, you know how I have that really weird fear of a lot of holes? This is very hard to explain. I know that I'm not crazy because I know two other people that have it.. and it's not a fear it's more like a strong adversion and a slight edgy splash of nausea. But specifically.. they have to be natural, so like I'll be totally fine with a chinese checkers board or something. Alright, so this is impossible to explain over text. Google search lotus pods.. and those really really disgusting dried things that they sometimes stick in bouquets will show up and those things just make me want to curl up into a tiny ball and probably vomit. THE POINT BEING that this stupid octopus print I'm doing involves those suction cups on their tentacles and I didn't realize how awful they are until I googled octopus tentacles... I made a weird sound and hit the back button immediately, so no worries.

Sorry sorry back to work work work work work work

OH AND CONTRARY TO THAT FIRST PHOTOGRAPH i am not drinking southern comfort while working, don't be ridiculous

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