Friday, April 23, 2010

sugar cravings

The mane is gone. The haircut has happened.. proof will follow at some later date. To be honest, I kind of miss the mane. It was so impressive--especially when curly and untamed. I like to show up at hair salons and telling the stylists to do whatever they want.. my own way of gambling I guess. And for some reason, they all think they need to cut the hair super short, to prove that they're not scared to be bold.

I find it very hard to call myself an artist.. and in fact I never do. I'm an "art student" not an "artist"! And I generally think of myself as a traveler first and an art student second. Anyways, as an art student, I tend to go through phases, with mediums; some of them stick, and some of the go away. Like painting. I rarely paint anymore. Or sculpture. I have picked up spray painting very recently... I think it's a result of my new screenprinting frenzy-- I'm working on a couple spray painted vinyl records. I'm spray painting them and creating stencils to spray paint images on.. I may even screen print them later on. All I've done on the two shown above is give them a base coat, but I thought I'd give you a before so you can appreciate the after. I'm not sure why I pick things up and drop them so quickly.

The second image is of something I drew idly while watching TV the other day. I'm thinking of turning that into a print as well. I don't know what it is, don't ask me.

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