Wednesday, November 17, 2010

bite me.

It's hard to believe, but this adorable dog trying to drag along that absurdly long stick had a go at me today. He's bigger than he looks-- if he stood up, he could easily rest his front paws on my shoulders. He's a very playful dog that simply doesn't get that his claws go through skin and his jaws are pretty strong too.

Anyhow he got a bit rough playing today and jumped at me, swiping me with one of his paws-- giving me a nice curvy scratch on my chest, right below the clavicle. It's very, very shallow. And then, the daring dog tried to bite me (!) but all he got was a mouthful of leather jacket. He growled and I yelled back. We looked ridiculous in the street, I'm sure. It looked like this beautiful dog was attempting to maul me and all I was doing was stuffing my arm in his mouth and yelling "STOP IT JOE, THIS ISN'T FUNNY. STOP!" He settled down a little bit, so I dragged him home, and stuffed him in his crate.

Side note: who names their dog Joe anyways?

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