Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Whale Edition and Gallery Opening

Happy Day Before Thanksgiving.

Some exciting news-- my work is being shown at Gateway Arts next Saturday evening-- specific times to follow. Gateway Arts is located in Hyattsville, and to be honest I really don't know very much about it. It's a University of Maryland Printmaking Show so it is strictly Screenprint, Woodcut, and Etching. There are some very cool pieces in the show, and you'll get to see what I've been busting my bum for.

The edition began as a four color separation piece, but that's almost barely a ghost now. I've been experimenting more with my inks and technique this time. I've introduced gold ink into my palette, and have started playing with letting the ink dry in my screen a bit before pushing it out. So the four color separation of the mysterious pole has transformed into a couple whales doing backflips in a strange ocean. I say that it's an edition even though they're all one-of-a-kinds because I had to use only one screen of 4 images to create these three prints. My emulsion went bad so instead of bothering with new images, I decided to use one screen and lots of tape to create new ideas in each one. It's an interesting series, if nothing else. If you're looking for the same rough and gritty that you saw in the last series, you'll see it again here in the form of burnt whales. Also, the work from the last series is going up too, I think.

It took nearly eleven hours in the studio yesterday and five hours in the studio the night before just to touch these three prints up. There will also be tiny test prints available for extremely reasonable prices between 5 and 10 dollars. The entire day in studio sped by so fast, and I'm even a little sore today just from pulling and scrubbing, pulling and scrubbing.. It was a good day though. We switched between pumpy music (like the ever-amazing Sleigh Bells) and intense films (Batman) and just rocked out until we couldn't move anymore. That's the thing about printmaking-- it's always a collective. It's a social art. We help each other out, we give opinions, we borrow chemicals and wash out each other's squeegees. So even after 11 hours of it, I went home on a high.

I've included a close up of one of my prints.. if you want to see the full thing you're just going to have stop by...

So for today, I can just sketch outside and watch my cat chase leaves blowing in the wind. And see my sister who I haven't seen in so long.

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow-- be thankful for what you have, and surround yourself with good food and good people.

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