Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Public Plea/Threat

Dear Father,

We may have had our differences in the past, and maybe we still do. I am by no means the best daughter in the world. But you know how it is: I'm forgetful. But at least I come up with really inexpensive (some might even say free) ideas for birthday gifts for myself.

Do you remember that one time I wanted to go to a rock concert on a school night in high school? And you said no. So I emailed all your friends/co-workers/possibly some of your bosses and told them to join me in convincing you to let me go? And then your inbox got flooded...And it worked?

Yes. I am willing to do it again. And if you thought that was bad-- just wait and see what kind of ideas I have for this year. And you know what I want.

Please shave your mustache for my 21st birthday.

You have until the 22nd to give me your word in writing. If not, then Phase 1 will begin (Phase 3 may involve shaving your mustache while you're asleep).

All I want for my birthday is to see your upper lip and steal your dignity for a short time.

Very sincerely,
Your Dearest and Most Favorite Daughter Fawna

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