Thursday, December 2, 2010


(that's step one)

I spent my entire evening doing anything but the studio work I was supposed to have accomplished. My film professor marched into the middle of our class today, announced that he had just vomited in the bathroom, and dismissed class. I took that as a sign to stop working completely.

My roommate and I spent a few hours on the front porch of our yellow house, smoking cigars and drinking tea and talking about how our parents met. And about how easy it is for kids to be convinced of the most ridiculous things. I actually believed that my ears would fall off if I didn't wear a hat when it was cold until an embarrassingly old age, thanks to my mother. I believed that swallowing watermelon seeds would allow a watermelon plant to sprout in my stomach, thanks to my (still defiantly mustached) father. I was also tricked into solving trigonometry problems over the dinner table. That kind of childhood.

The final details for Saturday-- the show is called Impressed: New Visions in Printmaking and it will be going down from 5 - 8 (but I won't be there until 7) at Gateway Arts. There's a facebook event as well.

OH AN EXCITING NEWS! My art portfolio now has a real home at:


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