Saturday, December 25, 2010

holly + jolly

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I am in Dallas for Christmas on a sneaky trip. Got a ticket the day before Christmas Eve and left to surprise my mother and sister (my dad already knew about it), and was pretty successful. I managed to scare the crap out of my mother who had just exited the shower.

One of my favorite moments of the flight over was a family with two pretty young kids. The little boy fell asleep quite quickly, leaving his nintendo DS dangling from his fingers. His father gently pulled it out of his hands and began playing the game quietly, while his son slept in his lap, unaware that his father was beating the level for him. I like to think that the little boy woke up later and thinks that he beat that unusually difficult level, while his father grins sneakily next to him.

Have a good holiday, and think warm thoughts.

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