Sunday, January 2, 2011

(dangerous weapons on the metro)

I don't like coming home to an empty house. I just don't like living alone, I guess. I like being able to say good morning to someone, and to say good night to someone. This house isn't even that big but I wish it were smaller when I'm by myself. This is why I need a dog. Preferably a big one, with big teeth.

I am leaving for Hawaii on Thursday! I realized that I've been in a different state every week for the last few weeks. Funny, because now I'm thinking about what country I'd like to go to instead of my graduation ceremony.

Saw one man hugging another man today. As in, the other man was not hugging back. Always an interesting situation.

The two photographs today are from my holiday break so far. The first, of my cat in Dallas, where my parents now live. She enjoys snuggling with feet and stuffed animals. The second, evidence of some ice skating at the Smithsonian sculpture garden.

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