Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm back.

Baby, I'm back! Get ready for some hot shit. If you want to take a look at the business blog check her out here: http://thingsfawnalikes.wordpress.com/

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

shirt #1

buy it at www.mountainalivepress.com

If you've fallen in love with my model, he is the one and only Luke Adams from the best band in DC, U.S Royalty-- check them out!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

mountain alive press

I've got a new project on its way... this is something big.

Also, I'm waiting to hear back from National Geographic and Studio Gallery, as I am finalists for positions at each (photo editor and director, respectively). I'm also a finalist for the Hamilton Gallery Artist in Residency. Big things! Exhausting things. And then I still have to get up at 6 in the morning to serve people coffee.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vote for Me!

Hi everyone,

It's another one of those art contests that involve voting. This one is especially awesome though; it's for $10,000 and a show in London! You can vote once every 24 hours so let's get started!!!


Just give me 5 stars in the top right corner. As usual, you all are really fucking amazing.

- Fawna

Monday, May 9, 2011

Haiti prints

Last week I printed an edition for my friends at Ornamental Foxes-- although I have to note that I did none of the graphic design, all I did was do the manual printing. Regardless, it's a super cool set of posters, each for $35.00-- which you can purchase at ornamentalfoxes.com . Enjoy!!!

Also, one of my personal favorite pieces of mine, "Mountain Alive: Blue", is currently showing at the Herman Merril Galllery in College Park. Come take a look at my last exhibition as a college student.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

hello t-shirt

oh yes. I have found THE INK of all inks and it is so soft I can't even tell where I inked the shirt if my eyes are closed. What! And no! It's not discharge ink!

Okay so for the rest of you that don't share my nerdy love of all screenprinting chemicals, processes, and ink combos-- this shirt is very soft. And on sale! Buy it now here!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Familiar Whales

Remember these bad boys? Well I re-shot them into a screen last night and was playing around with them and some new chemicals that got to me in the mail.. hello discharge and softener. The idea is for the whale to make his way onto a t-shirt. But the softest damn t-shirt in the world.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

One and Two (and a third)

Hello there, award winning print! ("One and Two")

And this is a little print I did today for fun. It's also a peek into a new fabric piece I'm working on.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

holla at your girl.

"One and Two" is up at the Herman Merill Gallery in College Park, as of today. This is a super fast "show"-- which I say in quotations because it's really just a competition. Everything went up today, tomorrow is judging day, and it comes down Friday. So you have Wednesday and Thursday to see it.

And everyone cross your fingers... first place means the quickest $1000 I've ever made in my life.

Friday, March 18, 2011


This is my house on the first really warm day of the spring. Isn't it pretty? Note the giant jenga game that is about to begin.

So we decided to put up a hammock. How many people does it take to put up a hammock? Four. And a computer so we could google how to put up a hammock.

My roommates judging how slack it should be. Also, one of the most hilarious pictures of my roommates in the world.


The end.

Friday, March 11, 2011

WPG Print of the Day

Wooo! The print i just sold, is Washington Printmakers Gallery Print of the Day!

And apparently they wrote a nice little paragraph about me:


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mountain Alive

Sorry about the hiatus; I've been lazy about keeping up with things.

Anyhow, the image above is a sneak peek of two prints I completed last night but don't have any good photos for. They still need to be cut down and signed as well, but WHEN THEY ARE, you guys well get some nice new images.

I sold my print "Rough" at the Washington Printmakers Gallery for more money than I make walking thirty dogs and am incredulous. I told my professor who said, "Do you believe that you're an artist now?" Whatever, professor. Trying to seem all professory-y and mentor-y.

I've got a critique today- wish me luck!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

hail to the water-based ink!

Lucky for me-- I'm friends with the drummer for a pretty stellar band called U.S Royalty, who just put out their first full-length album which has been blowing up among the likes of Spin Magazine and the Washington Post. Also lucky for me, they apparently don't know anyone who's willing to screenprint for dirt cheap... other than myself. I have close to no experience with printing on fabric, and I don't have a textile press so I ended up using the good old vacuum presses... and taped the shirts down since I couldn't spray them down. What a primitive screenprinter I am.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

thoughts about my education.

I just watched Waiting for Superman and I'm not entirely sure what to say about it. I didn't cry (I don't have tear glands), but I will say it does make you think quite a bit. The only thing one of my roommates said after the movie was "We are so lucky." The movie hits closer to home than any of those movies about poverty in Africa because it looks so familiar. I used the same pencils, had to take the same exams, and saw kids crash and burn around me too. I never wondered why, because from a very young age I understood that life is unfair. Maybe too young. I think it's important for kids to have a sense of invincibility and pure optimism for at least a little bit. I managed to make my way into an excellent magnet middle school and a pretty awful high school. I remember one kid that I used to walk to school with in elementary school- he was the first boy and only boy I've ever kicked in the groin. And it was by accident. He was a good kid in elementary school as far as I knew. I came back for high school and he had blue spiked hair and was wearing a shirt that said "I'm the boy that your mother warned you about". The next time I saw him, he was getting the shit beaten out of him. Another kid was sitting on his chest and ripping out all seven of his piercings.

I still talk to one of my seventh grade science teachers, who once paid me $2 for a drawing of a maple leaf (I named my own price), and let me paint a huge tree on the floor of the classroom. He lit an exam on fire after the exam's owner was caught cheating. He gave me a book about the holocaust in China, simply because I didn't know about it-- and he knew that I needed to know. I also had a terrible sixth grade math teacher that mis-taught me to the point that I nearly failed sixth grade math. I went through high school without making any sort of connection with any teacher. I liked some better than others, but in the end, all of their names are kind of fuzzy and they did their jobs well enough and left it at that.

This post isn't really supposed to have a point other than that I know that I'm a lucky girl.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

hawaii photographs.

In January I went to Hawaii for two weeks-- here's some belated images.

Monday, February 7, 2011

oh yeah.

I may have forgotten that I have a blog.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

EinP at the WPG

Yay for acronyms that make no sense so that you're forced to keep reading!

I am up for an award by the Washington Printmakers Gallery, by the name of Excellence in Printmaking. One of my prints, "Rough" will be up for the EinP exhibition in February. The reception will take place Saturday, Feb 5, from 1 - 4. Directions to the Washington Printmakers Gallery can be found at washingtonprintmakers.com .

In other news, I came downstairs yesterday to find three (of my four) male roommates playing an xbox game which involves shooting nazi zombies and their zombie dogs (which are on fire). We then made falafel and pumpkin cheesecake and thus had one of the weirdest dinners ever. School has also begun, which is sort of meaningless except that I'll be staying put for awhile. Other weird news, I met a dog that drinks bourbon.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Future Me

I have startled myself a few times, all by receiving emails from the past.. from myself. Due to an extremely unstable memory, and extremely vivid dreams which make me confuse the two sometimes, I tend to forget when I send future me an email. This is of course through futureme.org where I enter the date I want them to send the email. The first time I received an email was when I was 18 and had sent the email when I was 16. Adorable teenage Fawna sent less-adorable older teenage Fawna an email, with all her hopes and dreams as a 16 year old, and 18 year old Fawna almost marked it as spam and tossed it.

Today, though, I got another email from myself of which I have zero recollection sending. The email is as follows:

The following is an e-mail from the past, sent through FutureMe.org
It was composed on Thursday, January 21, 2010, to be sent on Sunday, January 23, 2011:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That's it. Passport. What did I mean?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

(dangerous weapons on the metro)

I don't like coming home to an empty house. I just don't like living alone, I guess. I like being able to say good morning to someone, and to say good night to someone. This house isn't even that big but I wish it were smaller when I'm by myself. This is why I need a dog. Preferably a big one, with big teeth.

I am leaving for Hawaii on Thursday! I realized that I've been in a different state every week for the last few weeks. Funny, because now I'm thinking about what country I'd like to go to instead of my graduation ceremony.

Saw one man hugging another man today. As in, the other man was not hugging back. Always an interesting situation.

The two photographs today are from my holiday break so far. The first, of my cat in Dallas, where my parents now live. She enjoys snuggling with feet and stuffed animals. The second, evidence of some ice skating at the Smithsonian sculpture garden.